Sunday, December 5, 2010

Property Acai Berry's Wonderful

Akai is the name of the fruit borne by Euterpe oleraceae. Euterpe oleraceae is a large palm tree native to the Amazon river. This tree is found spread over flood plains, swamps and the hinterland areas of Brazil Colombia and Suriname. The fruit which is berry-like has dark purple color and is clustered into bunches.

The natives of the Amazon have for as long as possible relied on this berry for food, drink and therapeutics. Needless to say it has great economic importance. For preservability acai berry is processed. You would find the processed fruit in the market and it is renowned for its weight management capabilities. Let us examine some of acai berry benefits.

Acai berry is natural as opposed to synthetic weight management pills that cause allergies. It can be taken without prescription and side effect issues do not come up.

It helps weight loss by detoxifying the colons and has a high metabolism rate. The more frequent the colons are cleaned up the better an individual's metabolism and the less likely for adipose fat tissues to accumulate and build up.

While colon cleansing is going on acai berry helps eliminate unwanted toxins from the body helping maintain good health. It contains plenty of fiber--soluble and insoluble--very effective for colon cleansing.

As a detoxifying agent this wonder product is anti-inflammatory. It contains an agent called anthocynins which is effective in detoxifying and getting rid of free radicals.

Another strong point of this wonder product is its energy boosting capabilities. Acai berry's antioxidant properties contribute to its energy boosting effect. This comes as a welcome relief to people who are always in need of energy boosters. They rely heavily on caffeinated drinks which have several side effect including tremors, insomnia and palpitations. This wonder product helps one rest effectively and rejuvenates the body as well.

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