Discus tropical fish are very beautiful and graceful swimmers. These freshwater fish from a family of fish called cichlids. There are different varieties of cichlids including African cichlids, angelfish, and others. These fish were first discovered in the Amazon in South America Find discus fish for sale. It is becoming more common.
Discus are delicate and require the highest standards of water quality in freshwater fish. Their water needsbe similar to that found in the Amazon. The water is acidic and has a lot of hard water minerals are easily dissolved. Discus tropical fish are not the best choice for your first aquarium.
Discuses the Amazon are very large groups in their native language. They are very well socialized and are one of the few cichlids that actually travel in large schools. This should be considered when purchasing discus. They wanthave more in the tank. close relations with other fish, their personality and leads to a tub of vibrant development.
Discus fish are easy to noise and heavy traffic location so intimidated the human foot aquarium to give them more privacy. Your tank should not be in the vicinity of HVAC registers, which tend to cause changes in temperature. Place the bottle in order to avoid excessive growth of algae direct sunlight.
Discus tropical fish water once a need for changeWeeks to maintain good water quality. Change 20-25% of their water is a good goal to shoot for. Change the water too much at once because of stress in fish. Water quality is very important to these sensitive fish. Change the water too much at once will upset the natural balance of bacteria that is present in a mature basin.
Hard water should be avoided and the pH should be 6.0 to 6.5. If some of the peat in the filter will help keep the pH and softness. Make sure that eachPeat moss is pure and clean. The temperature of 78-85 degrees should be better understood.
A good discus aquarium should be big enough. They grow to an adult who has a size of about six inches, and you should have half a dozen of them.
Discus tropical fish, the right kind of food are fed. They love live foods that mimic natural conditions. These can be worms, water fleas, brine shrimp, etc feeding live bacteria can imagine the food in the tank in order to choose your foodCare delivery.
As you can see Discus need lots of care and attention, but the following simple rules can produce a pleasant and healthy aquarium.
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