Saturday, September 4, 2010

Utah 5 trails

It is love for walks? The next time you visit Utah to pack, hiking boots, because we have some of the best walks in the countryside. Yes, there are five national parks filled with amazing rides, but there are even more fantastic hiking trails in the state, you may need to take a more hidden to find. Here are just a handful of walks for you to consider, Utah five great excursions!

1 - Stewart Falls

Stewart Falls is a popular hike is for residents of Utah Valley and lift itis so easily accessible, short (about 3.5 miles round trip) for families and one of the most beautiful and photogenic, waterfalls in northern Utah. His deep dive over 200 meters in two stages. This is an easy-moderate hike through the woods on the east side of Mount Timpanogos. Although this is a great family excursion, please be aware that the descent from the ridge down to the foot of the falls rather steep and small must be kept tight. Spring is a good time for the profile of wild flowers in summerComfortable, because water and shade, and autumn is still better because of the colorful foliage. One of our favorite family trips!

2 - Y Mountain

Brigham Young University (commonly the "Y") called sitting against the magnificent Rocky Mountains. Years ago, was given permission to the University and in a concrete Y on the mountainside. And 'to be high enough to see across Utah Valley and just a tradition for BYU students and the community to rise. The view ofProvo and Utah Lake are beautiful and are a popular day trip for families and students. The trail is very rocky and very steep, so wear comfortable shoes, stay on track and plan to approach slowly. There is very little shade on this hike, so plan to be on Mount Y colder climates.

3 - Bald Mountain

Bald Mountain is one of the easiest mountains overlooking Utah, the many surprises at 12,000 ft. But sitting on the street head11,000 feet, so walking the two miles (four miles round-trip) is not much difference. Views from Bald Mountain Pass, however, are very impressive, and as it gets to the top of the climb even more beautiful views. They have a clear view of Mirror Lake and many other smaller lakes in the Uintas. Note that the increase is above the tree line and there is no shadow. So this walk in cooler weather and protect the skin during the plan year may surprise the effects of altitude.

4 -Ben Lomond Peak

Ben Lomond is the highest peak overlooking the Ogden area to almost 10,000 feet, and is tiring. The summit, you have a wonderful view of the Wasatch range, Salt Lake City, and is looking more beautiful than the Great Salt Lake. Locals recommend this peak was the inspiration for the logo of Paramount Pictures. Paramount founder William Wadsworth Hodkinson sketched the logo on his memories of his youth based in Ogden, so it's always fun to walk a "famous"Berg. Also, look out for riders and cyclists on this route.

5 - Lone Peak by Jacobs Ladder in Draper

This trip is not for beginners, but worth a visit if you are an experienced hiker. And 'long and steep, but really great. It provides clear view of all the peaks of the Wasatch Mountains, about 11 300 meters. Depending on your level of experience and weather conditions, plan anywhere from eight to 12 hours for the journey. (This is a 5000 + footsurveys to win!)

Certainly, caution adequate on each walk, dress, and always carry plenty of water along. Before someone always walk where you're going and when you plan to return. How do you practice safe walking, enjoy the situation, some of the largest sites of Utah and the world.

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